Merre et Terre is a shop but also so much more than a shop. You can go there to buy lots of baby-related articles, all organic and planet-friendly. But you can also go for advice, go there to meet other moms. Walk in to be listened, not judged, to join a community, make friends. It is one of these uplifting and heartwarming places that are difficult to describe with words. It is located in Grens (Nyon) but Marianne, the founder, is opening another tsore in Geneva soon!
If I knew about Mere et Terre 9 years ago (as in if my French was good enough to google it) I would probably use cloth diapers, and get solutions for many other problems. Learn from my mistakes, don;t hesitate to go there!
The story
When Marianne gave birth to her first child in 2005, she wanted to use cloth diapers but couldn’t find any in the region. Her midwife was kind enough to give her a couple she found through other families. When two years later, she was awaiting her second baby she tried to find cloth diapers again. And she did, in Lausanne. The lady selling these diapers made Marianne the ambassador of her shop, and this is how it all started.
A couple of leaflets later, parents in the Versoix region were inquiring about the cloth diapers. Marianne saw the interest, the niche and started thinking that there are more interested parents out there for sure.
As she was walking to the birthing house la Grange Rouge in Grens, where she planned to give birth, she saw an empty, free place. Long story short, she gave birth in December and in March this free place became Merre et Terre HQ.
For yeras she has been asked to open also in Geneva and after searching for a perfect location, this dream of many families will come true! Mere et Terre is coming to Geneva: September 2021, Quartier des Grottes!
What’s inside
Inside, first of all, you will always find an experienced, gentle and supportive staff. No matter what product you’re looking for they will adapt the offer to your needs. For example not everyone is comfortable with the same baby carrier, not all babies are the same and need different things to reach the same goal (eg babies with reflux can benefit from a different cot setup). I could write for many pages about the products this shop has.
The important thing to know is that Marianne makes sure the products are eco – from materials, through production, to the end result. Not all bamboo diapers are truly eco – depends on the factory, she tells me. I was impressed with how much thought and work she gives to each product on the shelve: from clothes to cosmetics, from diapers to cariers.
Cloth diapers are more and more popular but it is still difficult to find answers to all questions, which makes many parents abandon the idea and stick to disposable nappies. If you have questions, if you hesitate, go and ask Marianne or one of her employees (Marianne speaks English). They will tell you all about it, and answer the most troubling questions.
Mere et Terre Geneva
Merre et Terre in Geneva will offer the same asortment of products, the same heartwarming atmoshephere, with a goal to create a community, to build a village parents needs. The staff in the Geneva shop will speak English (yey for acknowledging the international community!).
The shop will occupy half of the premises, while the other part will be used for all kinds of activities. There will be baby yoga by an amazing maternity coach, Debbie. The association Doula Geneve will rent it twice a week to organize meetings for women to talk about different topics (pregnancy, birth, menstruation – and I hope soon also menopause). If you’re up for prenatal hypnose, this will be your place. But if you’re looking more for baby activities, then sign classes should meet your needs. Of course, let’s not forget the babywearing courses. I’m sure there will be more!
Doesn’t it already look like a perfect place?
Merre et Terre needs a tiny bit of help to assure the smooth opening in September 2021 in Geneva. Their shop in Grens is a proof that this kind of place is appreciated by parents, that mothers need it, and that it offers products and services not easily accessible elsewhere.
For this purpose, there is a crowdunding campaign, with cool perks for you and your baby. Please, check out the crowfunding website, and consider helping this wonderful project. We need this in Geneva badly!
Click here: