If you haven’t heard about Simply Theatre by now (or heard but didn’t get into the details), stop now and read what I have to tell you.

It’s an English-speaking Theatre with a performing arts Academy. You can see their shows in Versoix and Zurich or enrol your children into the Academy in various locations in Geneva, Annecy, Lausanne, Basel, Zug, and Zurich. Their classes and camps are by far one of the best English-spoken extracurricular activities I encountered in Geneva!


I’ve taken my daughter to Simply’s plays since she was about 3. We loved every one of them – to the point that we still sing the Christmas song from one of the shows we saw 5-6 years ago. The shows are joyful and playful, the actors interact with the audience, and nobody is ever annoyed by kids jumping, dancing or vocalizing excitement from their seats. It’s pure joy!

Simply Theatre’s programme this year is spectacular! There are many shows for all age groups. I’d suggest you go see one of them if you have any doubts about the quality of this theatre and its Academy (in most plays, actors come from Simply’s drama classes, some like the Christmas show have professional actors too).


Before I got her to agree to enrol, I had been trying to convince my daughter to join drama classes by Simply for years. After the first 3 weeks, on our way back home, she said: “Mom, I am so sorry I was saying no to these classes for years. How silly of me! I will never stop and for my own kids, drama with Simply will be obligatory!”.

Not to mention that her school reports started to reflect a lot she has learnt at Simply Theatre. Drama or performing art classes are not only an occasion to learn some hard skills, but kids come out with new or boosted soft skills like teamwork and more confidence as well! Their courses (from age 4 to 18) start from an hour a week and run from September to June. Lots of time options after school and on Saturday mornings.


You may think that drama or performing arts classes are for those loud, shiny, extroverted kids with Broadway or movie career ambitions. Don’t get me wrong, they will benefit from these classes immensely (they can even pass LAMDA exams!). But introverted or even shy children have even more to gain.

Drama classes help build up confidence and self-esteem. Not to mention getting over the fear of speaking in front of a group, pitching ideas, and being openly creative. This is all visible at the end-of-the-year showcase! There is no way an outsider could guess which child is the silent introvert – after a year of classes, they all open up (at least on the stage).


The first trimester focuses on building a team, getting to know each other, and working in pairs, small groups, and big groups. To ensure they can prepare the showcase as a team. This can be a challenge for shy/introverted children. Still, Simply’s teachers do a brilliant job getting everyone together and ensuring everybody feels welcome.

Those shy kids will feel free to be silly, create, and improvise. They will practice expressing different emotions and bring a lot to the team by understanding the feelings of those around them. And last but not least, they will surely make friends!

But again, confident and outgoing kids will benefit from these classes, too! And who knows, it may lead to a successful career!


The second trimester is filled with improvisation but also understanding scripts and characters. It’s all needed to enter the last trimester, the most exciting one – preparation of the showcase!

The order of what is done each trimester is slightly different between age groups. The 12+ groups will have their showcase in the second trimester (so that it doesn’t clash with their school exams).

During the whole year, children can also enter auditions for shows at Simply’s Theatre HQ in Versoix. Even without getting the role of their dreams, auditions are another great way to experience performing arts, and push one’s boundaries.


One important thing about Simply Theatre Academy is how teachers interact with parents. It’s not just about the facts. They are warm, open, kind, and communicative. A few weeks into the school year, parents will be invited to observe the class (it’s so much fun)! Parents can contact their child’s teacher anytime with questions and information.

The cheery on top is the mid-year parent-teacher meeting (online). So many parents I talked to were deeply touched by the deep insights they received and by the understanding towards their child’s personality at the Academy.

The meeting lets parents know more about the classes and their child’s participation. On the other hand, it gives the teachers more insights about the child and helps them understand what to focus on with each student for the rest of the year.


Simply Theatre is an English-speaking theatre with drama and performing arts classes in English. Children must be fluent confident with English (able to understand instructions and communicate) in English to attend.

Classes take place in Versoix, Petit-Lancy, Chene-Bougeries, Annecy, Lausanne. They are also available in Basel, Zug, and Zurich.

The open day, when you can find out more about courses and kids can try some activities, takes place every year in May. Simply Theatre doesn’t offer trial classes, apart from the trial day in May, but the first six weeks of term can be considered a trial, as you can break the contract and receive a refund up until the end of the first term if you are not sure for your kid.

You can learn more about Simply Theatre’s shows and lessons at



It’s sometimes hard to write a school review but not this time. I visited the TotUp school in Lancy, and I was increasingly in awe with every minute of the tour!

Of course, we all have different ideas of what a great school is, and as I will try to make this article as objective as possible, remember you can only get your opinion if you visit the school yourself.

TOTUP is offering Parentville readers one private half-day school discovery
and 350 CHF off of enrolment fees
if you decide to sign up your child!


Totup in Lancy is a small school with all advantages a small school can offer! It’s open for children aged 3-8 yo. It’s located in the Geneva Business Centre in Lancy on the same floor as Totup Creche and the Totup Family Sports Centre (the school uses as their gym). Children are grouped in a preschool class, 1p class, and 2-4p are all together in one class, too (I’ll explain how brilliantly it works below). It’s a bilingual English-French school, and it is open to children with special needs.

Three main things that caught my attention were: school’s focus on sustainability, individual approach to each child, and openness to kids with special needs! The details blew my mind!

The school is small, the rooms are not massive, and they are not equipped with miracles of modern technology. It’s not needed. Children spend much time learning outdoors, cultivating vegetables in the school’s garden, and on various outings.


Sustainability is taken very seriously at Totup School. The topic is discussed with children, who are invited to think of how the school can improve at saving energy and water and producing less garbage. Since the program’s introduction, the administration saw an actual cost drop! Instead of investing in screens and modern what-nots, TotUp invested in a garden. It offers children hands-on contact with nature, is a great place for science classes, and provides the school with veggies and fruit in spring! This way, children see the whole process: from the seed – to the meal.

Apart from gardening, children have regular cooking workshops. They do become independent in the kitchen by the end of the school! They also have regular zero waste, recycling, and DIY workshops with the most lovable teacher!


I was excited to learn that one of the ways TotUp teaches respect, inclusion, and empathy is through monthly visits to the local elderly house (EMS). Most children don’t have (great)grandparents here in Geneva and are missing out on being in touch with seniors. The trips to the local EMS are beneficial for kids and seniors. They talk, play, have fun and benefit from each other’s warmth and smiles. I find it beyond wonderful!


When it comes to teaching math, literacy and other typical school subjects, a class with kids of mixed ages brilliantly helps when the program/tasks need to be personalised. In such a class, the teacher can quickly react when a child is advanced in one area or another or if they need help. Older children help smaller children, and younger children can observe the older ones. Parents receive very detailed few pages long reviews of their child’s progress twice a year. I saw it – it’s impressive.

There is no homework unless essential, which should become a rule world over for kids in primary schools. Bravo Totup!


As mentioned above, the school is bilingual. Languages alternate each week. Children spend one week with an English teacher in an English classroom and move to the French classroom and a French teacher the following week. It gives the language more context: different places, different teachers. The library holds books in both languages. It’s an excellent way for French-speaking children to learn English and for English speakers to master French!


Last but not least, Totup welcomes children with special needs. They already have experience from their creche that was always accommodating for children requiring special care. Of course, I cannot assure you they can welcome kids with every possible disability or challenging situation, but they assess it case by case to be sure they can provide what the child needs. Get in touch with them to know more.

Everything I found out during the tour of Totup School was terrific. A fantastic team created the school of my dreams – relaxed, joyful, but still providing excellent education. Knowing the founder, I can only suspect many more beautiful features will be added to the program.

TOTUP is offering Parentville readers one private half-day school discovery
and 350 CHF off of enrolment fees
if you decide to sign up your child!


Summer camps Geneva 2023

Summer camps Geneva 2023

Summer is around the corner! It’s the last moment to book the best summer camps in Geneva. Below, you’ll find a selection that covers various interests, and ages.

There are plenty of summer camps in Geneva, it’s impossible to list them all, but I hope you’ll find interesting things in this selection.

Disclaimer: most of camps here are listed in a form of a paid collaboration. Rest assured Parentville only does paid collabs when the service/product is worth recommending!

Simply Theatre Summer Camps

Simply Theatre Academy has a fabulous lineup of summer workshops for 5 to 18 year olds in Geneva for 2023 running at their Versoix studios during July and August. There is something for everyone this summer, including, Abba Mania, Harry Potter, Disney Delights, Movie in a Week, Popstar to Superstar, Broadway Kids  … and MORE! Their fantastic tutors are drawn from across the world of theatre, television and film to deliver exhilarating and unique camps for all ages. Every tutor is passionate about working with young people and are hand-picked for each camp to ensure a first-class experience for students. Why not add some theatrical magic to your family’s summer plans?

Their summer camps are open to non-students too, so it is a great way to experience what life is like at the Academy.

Running daily from 9 am – 4 pm Monday to Friday, wrap-around care at ‘Back Stage Club’ is also available.

AGE:  5+
PRICE:  295CHF for Mini Performers (5-6 years); 595CHF for Young Performers (7-11) and Performers (12-18). 10% discount for all siblings

geneva summer camps 2023 simply theatre

IIL Camps

Looking for inspiration to keep your kids busy this summer? IIL Camps offers over 50+ camps for children and teenagers aged 3 to 17 years old, to make the most of the summer holidays in Geneva! Whether you’re looking for sports, arts, technology, discovery, outdoor or water activities, there’s something to suit all tastes and ages! You’re sure to find the right holiday camp for your children from our wide selection! Our camps are available in full-day or half-day formats, and are open to all children.
At IIL Camps, we do our utmost to ensure that every child can enjoy a summer holiday that’s just right for them, by taking part in enriching and fulfilling activities. Once again this summer, we have lots of surprises in store! And because we’re open to the world, most of our camps are run in both French and English, providing a bilingual environment for all
Our team of qualified professionals is looking forward to looking after your children and teenagers this summer and giving them an unforgettable experience! Discover all our summer camps here.

AGE: 3 to 17 y.o.
LOCATION: Grand Lancy, Geneva (Institut International Lancy)
PRICE: from 275chf / week
PRACTICAL INFO: drop off from 8.30am, pick-up until 6pm / costs include
morning and/or afternoon snacks / options available for lunch.
CONTACT: [email protected] or +41 (0) 76 410 26 20

summer camps geneva 2023 ill camps


Offer your kids playful and creative language camps. With Spell Languages you are opting for the highest quality and lasting impact on your kids’ life’s journey. You also chose from three age groups as well as different languages such as English, French, German, Spanish or Italian. Here your kids will have lots of fun and will live unforgettable adventures surrounded by the sounds of classical music and inspired by the most prominent artists of all times – be it literature or painting, in a magic-filled forest. Expect daily outings and team games. Is it a treasure hunt in the old town or the mindfulness activities by the river that your children will tell you about back at home? Enroll now and see for yourself!
Practical information: drop off from 8 am and pick up until 6 pm, option to choose 3-dish lunch & discounts for enrollments of 2 or 3 weeks applicable.

AGE: 4+
LOCATION: Plainpalais area.
PRICE: from 460 chf/week.
CONTACT: check details here.

summer camps geneva 2023 spell languages


Themed bilingual summer camps. Every week new theme. Price includes: meal plan, excursions, creative & sport activities, bilingual programme and lots of fun!
Price: 500 CHF/ week 7:00-19:00; 350 CHF/ week 7:00-14:30. 10% discount for the second child & 20% for the third child. For more info and reservations contact TotUp at [email protected].

AGES: 3-7
LOCATION: Petit-Lancy, Thonex, Veytaux (VD), Epalinges (VD), Crissier (VD), Estavayer-le-lac (FR).
PRICE: 350-500 chf/week
CONTACT: [email protected]

summer camps Geneva 2023 totup


Gymboree Geneva will host Bilingual Summer Camp from Monday 3rd of July to Friday 18th of August (mornings, afternoons or all days). There will be themed art activities, music and songs, play and movement on their specially designed equipment, tactile time, imaginary play, story time and more. It is a time for children to have fun and make new friends as well as an opportunity to learn French and English. There will be play time outside in the afternoons. Costs include a morning snack and/or afternoon snack and all class room and art materials. For children staying all day parents are to provide lunch for them.

AGE: 3-6 yo
PRICE: from 350 CHF/week
HOURS: 8h30 – 16h30
LOCATION: Grand Saconnex
MORE INFO: click here or contact via [email protected] or call 022 920 9200

summer camps geneva 2023 gymboree


We are happy to welcome your children in our summer camp, we organize fun, creative and pedagogical activities for seven weeks.
In July, your kids will get the opportunity to danse and explore light, colours and shadow (3-7 th July), to join the wonderful world of Marvel and jump at Airloop (11-14 th July), to live like pirates and go on a treasury hunts (17-21 st July), and to discover Amazonia and practice capoeira (24-28 th July).
During August, let’s go to the beach, and play outside with sand and coconuts (31 st July – 4 th August), meet the funny Kimochee team and talk about emotions (7 th -11 th August) and finally prepare an extraordinary carnival for animals, practicing the circus disciplines and making plastic art (14 th -18 th August)!

AGES: 4-12
LOCATION: Carouge.
LUNCH: available for 12 chf/day.

summer camps geneva 2023 ateliers d'alice

PEP English

Full immersion, multi-activity camps with qualified teachers to learn English in small groups from age 5. Thanks to a structured yet fun approach, children of all levels develop vocabulary, expressions and pronunciation. The varied creative and dynamic activities take place both indoors and outdoors.
Themes for 2023:
● Time Travel in Geneva (based on the book The Geneva Chronicles)
● Around the World
● Let’s explore Canada & the USA

PEP offers full or half day options and a discount for siblings or children attending multiple

AGES: 5+
PRICE: 350/week (half day) or 600/week (full day)
CONTACT: here.

summer camps geneva 2023 pep english


Ignite your kids’ creativity this summer at our Knock On Wood woodworking camps! Let them join skilled craftsmen, unleash their imagination, and create lasting memories.
Immerse them in a dynamic and supportive environment, surrounded by woodworking enthusiasts who share their passion. Woodworking serves as great activity to enhance manual- and real life problem solving skills. Our methodologies have been designed and validated for 21st-century kids taking them back to basics without going back in time.

Our full-day camps are for younger kids with an afternoon splash in Nations Square Fountains.
Half-day is the best option for lazy teens and sleepyheads. Let them sleep till midday, and come for woodworking after lunch. Digital-manual or Ceramic-wood combinations are offered this year as innovative combined craft experiences for those kids that are up for challenges.

Our state-of-the-art 500 sqm woodworking facilities are equipped with top-of-the-line tools and materials, ensuring a safe and inspiring learning environment.
Secure their spots today and let your kids’ woodworking dreams take shape!

AGE: 7+
LOCATION: Nations area (La Voie-Creuse 16)
PRICE: from 360 chf/week

summer camps geneva 2023 knock on wood


Les stages d’été reviennent chez Bubbles du 3 juillet au 25 août 2023. Cette été, rejoins-nous et pars à la découverte des enfants du monde à travers tes dessins animés préférés. Au programme, découverte d’un nouveau pays chaque semaine. Les inscriptions sont déjà ouvertes ! À travers ces stages d’été, Bubbles soutient l’association Enfants du Monde​. ​10.- seront reversés pour chaque inscription. À très vite chez Bubbles !

AGES: 4+
LOCATION: Eaux-Vives
PRICE: from 399 CHF/week.
CONTACT: 022 774 55 55 ou [email protected]

summer camps geneva 2023 bubbles


Looking for an adventure-packed summer camp for your child? Collège du Léman offers all students aged 8 to 14 the Discovery Camp, from June 16th to July 14th. Your child will experience incredible outdoor activities, make unforgettable memories, and new friends. Each day, your child will embark on a new adventure like acrobranching, aquapark, zipline park, Genève Plage, Signal de Bougy, and much more.

CDL Discovery Camp, from Monday to Friday, 9am- 5pm.
Other camps from age 4 to 18, day and boarding – here.

AGES: 8-14
LOCATION: Versoix.
PRICE: from 725 chf/week
CONTACT: College du Leman.

summer camps geneva 2023 college du leman


Dive into Summer with Intensive Swimming Lessons at Red Whale Bellevue Swimming Pool! Join us for five weeks of exhilarating swimming lessons during the Summer (03 July – 04 August). Improve your skills and build confidence in the water! Daily sessions at the same convenient time. Lessons in English & French. Small groups with teachers in the water. Sign up for the entire week (5 lessons from Monday to Friday) at an unbeatable price of 200 CHF.
Our multilingual instructors provide personalized attention, ensuring clear communication and an inclusive learning environment. Don’t miss this chance to improve your technique, and boost water confidence. Limited spots available, so reserve yours today! Register at and dive into a Summer filled with fun, progress, and lifelong memories!

AGE: from 3.5 months (with a parent), from 3.5yo independently.
LOCATION: Bellevue
PRICE: 200 chf

red whale summer camp geneva 2023


Our camps are organized in French- and German-speaking Switzerland during the school holidays. They welcome children and teenagers aged 5 to 17 for a morning or a full day and focus on original themes such as robotics, computer programming, mechanics, video game development, and much more!  Mixing theory and practice, our courses enable participants to acquire new knowledge that will be very useful for their future!

AGE: 5-14 yo
LOCATION: Lancy & Nations area
PRICE: from 380 chf

summer camps geneva 2023 future kids


Planet Climbing offers HOLIDAY CAMPS for your child where they will enjoy a great mix of sports related to climbing as well as other fun and creative activities. These week-long camps are not only for “climber-kids”! Every child will enjoy the time learning new skills and making friends. All our camps are fully guided and ensure a safe and fun time is had by all.
In the program: climbing games in our climbing gym, outdoor climbing day, yoga kids, arts and crafts, judo and more outdoor games in collaboration with third party providers.
Come join us and push your vertical limits for fun! Groups of 8 kids max. Weekly and daily booking possible. From 08:30 to 17:00. Extra child-care hours on-demand.


AGE: 5-12 yo
PRICE: 490 CHF/week or 125 CHF/day. Discount of -10% on the full week price if at least 3 bookings at the same time (family/friends).

summer camps geneva 2023 planet climbing


This half day morning camp, to teach English, is set in the beautiful Geneva countryside. The campers have many adventures, visiting forests, farms, and vineyards. They experience life close to the animals and plants of a lush, green village. With fresh fruit and berries from the region, the little chefs also bake pastry treats!

English is taught everyday using art, songs, games, and multimedia. A small camp of maximum 12 children per week. The director, a certified English teacher, with her fully bilingual team (FR/ENG), ensure that children get individual attention with language practice and are monitored. Join us! Learn, explore and create!

AGE: 4-10 yo
PRICE: 245 CHF/week (half- day camp)
HOURS: 8h30 – 12h30
MORE INFO: Contact [email protected] or call 022 751 33 26

summer camps geneva 2023 choulex


Addictlab is an international creative think tank with a number of dedicated research labs that promote scientific and creative learning. Addictlab selects activities from these labs for educational workshops, team building activities as well as creative exhibitions. Addictlab’s mission is to mix creative disciplines.
This Summer Addictlab organizes two Summer STEAM Camps (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) in the afternoons of July (from 14:30 to 17:30) during the following weeks:

  • Week 3-7 July at Campus Biotech Innovation Park (Geneva);
  • Week 10-14 July at Château de Voltaire (Ferney Voltaire).

By the end of the summer STEAM camp, kids will have experienced how to draw in 3D, 3D print, paint in virtual reality, learn about solar panels, robotics and coding, and so much more. Over 25 activities are offered to push kids’ ability to creative thinking, collaboration, computational thinking. All activities are evaluated and linked to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) of the United Nations. Please register to our newsletter here, to stay in touch.

AGE: 7+
LOCATION: Campus Biotec & Chateau Voltaire
MORE INFO: Registration form here, general info about Addictlab here.

summer camp geneva 2023 addictlab


  • All maisons de quartiers organize day camps for kids over the summer. The program will vary from one maison to the other, but they all include tons of fun, small and big trips! Be sure to check what your neighborhood offers!
  • CPV – is an association that has been organizing holiday camps for the last 50 years. The selection is BIG!
  • ASK – All Special Kids. ASK organizes camps for children 3-17 years old, who have Learning Differences and Special Educational Needs.
  • Intersoccer – football camps for kids, special weeks of « girls only »!
  • New! Camps at Ecole Rudolf Steiner.
Anna de Wit – family photo sessions

Anna de Wit – family photo sessions

Time flies, kids grow up fast. Can we rely on our memory to grasp all that’s precious? Somewhat, probably. But photography is a great way to help our memory and this is why I have to tell you about Anna de Wit and her unique family photo session.

Psst: Mother’s Day is coming!


Anna is a mum of two. A trailing wife who transformed a hobby into a beautiful business.
What is unique about it? Anna specializes in family sessions at home – at client’s places. She is a magician that takes beautiful pictures in any apartment or house – no matter how you think it’s cluttered, unorganized, not pretty enough – Anna will make it work.


There’s something very sweet about professional photographes at home taken by Anna de Wit. Home is where we spend a lot of time as families. Every table, sofa, bed, carpet – they have been witnesses of our daily life, of kids’ first steps, or game nights filles with laughter.
Who knows how long this objects will be able to stay with us? Who knows how long we will stay in this house?


Anna’s talents in photography are plenty. What I love when we work with her is that she helps us feel at ease in front of the camera. There is no posing, no special outfits, it’s just us and Anna documenting us in our private space.

*side note: our photo sessions took place during the pandemic, so were not at home (us in the window, Anna downstairs; the second in front of our stairs, and then one time in the Old Town).

The pictures always turn out beautiful. They are natural, they don’t lie, they don’t create a parallel universe. They are perfect.


And how practical is it to have these sessions at home?! Especially when you’re pregnant or have small kids and busy schedules. Another upside: kids will be in a place they know, they like, makes them feel safe, so working with them will be really easy! Much easier than in a studio. Also, it can happen no matter the weather!

Don’t worry about you place’s interior. Keep it how it is (well tidy up like you normally would). It really doesn’t matter and I promise Anna de Wit’s photographs will please your eyes! She will also give you tips about what colors to wear. You will be well taken care of.

Anna de Wit also offers outdoors family photography, wedding & events, and personal branding. You can see all her work, her style, and clients’ reviews on her website here.

Congratulations! You managed through the whole article. Here’s a surprise for you!

20% off for your photo sessions with Anna,

valid till the end of May 2023.


Summer camps at Spell Languages 2023

Summer camps at Spell Languages 2023

Language camps can be joyful and fun for kids of all ages! Spell Languages makes sure children immerse in the language while having the best time ever – after all, summer is all about playing and having a great time!

These camps are so fabulous, many kids end up spending even 3-4 weeks of summer with Spell Languages’ team


This year, Spell Languages offers immersion in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. You can choose to enroll your child for half days or full days. Lunch can be provided for a small additional fee. To benefit in the best possible way from activities, themes and language immersion, children are divided into age groups. They will all spend one full day in a forest!


Unless they already have strong language basis, one week of language courses this summer will probably not turn your kid into a fluent speaker. This being said, Spell Languages teachers know how to work with your child and how  to unlock their linguistic potential and self-confidence, both necessary ingredients to master the language. Children, as all humans, learn at their own rhythm, so each of them will leave the camp with a different amount of new language skills. Immersion is a wonderful tool – it will leave its marks that the brain will one day use for sure!


This year all camps have several things in common. All groups will spend one day somewhere close to the nature, exploring it and gaining knowledge adapted to kids’ ages. Classical music will be implemented in all themes too. Get ready for your kids to turn into little bookworms with literature’s best-sellers playing a role in every single camp to set the tone for their week’s adventures!


French camps are especially great for children attending private English schools, or those who have moved to Geneva and are still in need of a French boost.

English camps are fabulous for all kids, even native speakers! Spell Languages’ staff knows what kids on all language levels need and they have years of experience (during the school year there’s even a separate English course for English native speakers).

German, Italian, and Spanish can help your kid unlock their language potential at school, or simply better enjoy summer holidays by the Italian or Spanish sea!

Let’s look at the themes!


Youngest language learners (4-6 year olds) will spend the time in the worlds of fairytales, pirates, jungle. There’s also Charlie’s Chocolate Factory,  and Emys!

The next group (4-8 year olds) can choose between Emys, forest magic, pirates, Geneva Mystery, Asterix & Obelix, and more!

Ages 7-10 have a possibility to live a week or more playing in the theme of Koh Lanta, magic, animals, or Planet Earth & Space Travels.

A special camp for ages 11-14 will focus on human beings as social beings and social media, others can chose Jumanji.

Camps are so fun, the program so rich, it can be hard to choose the theme, but I assure you – whatever you choose, kids will have the best summer time with Spell Languages!

My friends at Spell Languages have a gift for you! 30% discount on one camp for each of you for your enrollments until May 17. Promo code: PARENT30.

Easter in Geneva with kids, 2023

Easter in Geneva with kids, 2023

Fun things are happening this Easter in Geneva and around! Especially for families with kids of all ages! Even for those who don’t celebrate Easter, there are fun spring-related outings that will fill you with joy!

Ready? Let’s do it!

24-26 march, Versoix

Let’s start with the biggest chocolate festival in the country! What does it have to do with Easter? Well, chocolate bunnies of course and egg hunt of course! The festival is a great place for families, with carousels, chocolate sculptures and chocolate workshops. You can check the detailed program here.

Easter at Chateau de Vullierens
April 8, Vaud

Chateau de Vullierens will open exactly in time for Easter this year! This event was great last year, and it will surely be fabulous again in 2023. Children will play searching for  Lindt’s Gold Rabbit and his lost eggs.  The older children will be asked to solve a puzzle by going from post to post gathering clues. A chocolate reward awaits at the end of the trail. It will all happen in the beautiful if not magical, gardens of the castle.
But that’s not all… pony rides and a small farm offered by Handynamique will contribute to the success of this unique day. You can also plan to eat lunch at the chateau – local treats and Nero’s Pizza will be there!

Find out more about it and book your tickets here.

Creative workshops
April 9, Chambesy

How about a creative workshop on a Sunday? In a place where before or after the whole family ccould have lunch? Sounds too good to be true but here it is. Auberge de Chambesy organizes two workshops on Sunday, April 9. It’s for kids ages 4-12, lasts two hours. There are two time slots to choose from: 10h30-12h30 and 13h30-15h30. The workshop costs 40 CHF and includes snacks. More information here.

April 1-16, Geneva

The first edition of the PAKATRAP Easter Festival, organized by the Léman Experiences event agency, promises great festive moments at Easter! On the occasion of the Easter holidays, the Pakatrap festival offers you unusual egg hunts and many other activities on the three weekends of April: exceptional egg hunts in city and the region’s wine estates and farms, street art events and pilates! Also in the program gardening, DIY, cooking, music, playgrounds and even treasure hunts for children!

You can check the full program here.


Swiss Vapeur Parc is a magical place for children with miniatures of swiss trains ride along miniature parts of Switzerland, with a view on real Alps, and real Lac Leman. For Easter, the parc will be entirely decorated and egg hunts will be open to all kids . It’s a great place for an egg hunt!

You can find out more here.

April 8, 9, 15

This big and fun park up in the canton Vaud is known for its kids-friendliness. To be honest, the whole parc looks like it was created for kids and families. There will be a special Easter day on April 9 with a disco, mascot parade, and an opportunity to be photographed, and the restaurant will have a special Easter menu. In the parc you will also find animals, playgrounds, a restaurant, and an accrobranche parc! The fun continues during schooll holidays. It’s a great place for a full day of fun! You can find out more and see a detailed program here.

April 7-23, Canton Vaud

Paqomuze – Easter in museums! From dinosaurs, through history activities, to science experiments and arts. Paqomuze has everything as it covers the whole Vaud canton. Activities take place in museums, castles, and many other places. Most activities are available only by registration (by email or telephone, only with the institutions that offer them), from March 22 at 12:30 p.m.
More info here.

Easter Santa,
8, 9 , 10, 11, 23 April; Andilly

Hameau du Pere Noel is mostly known as a Christmas destination, but isn’t it hilarious to go on an egg hunt with Santa and his pals? The warm-hearted Mrs. Claus and her stories, the Sandman with his sharp eye, Father Fouettard who hates chocolate, and Santa himself of course! Over 20,000 will be scatteres in the garden, chocolate guaranteed for everyone! A ticket office is available online but also on site, online purchase ensures priority access. You can check the detailed information and timetable of egg hunts here.


Urban Events Geneva has a game perfect for the Spring break. A treasure hunt filled with puzzles, mysteries, and chocolate! You can choose one adventure in Carouge, and one in the Old Town. Games are adapted for children aged 6 and older. You can check available dates and details here.

April 1-16, Plainpalais

How about an accrobatic show to make this spring break great? This year’s show is a metaphor for this complex universe that animates our spirit presented via circus arts, dance, music and comedy expressed by the artists. M O I tells the story of this inner voice, which challenges us every day at all times. That tells us what to do and how to do it. A voice trapped in a universe lost between doubts and perspectives, in a world without beginning or end, where countless doors access our thoughts and our imagination. Such as our memories and our dreams, the past and the future confused with the realities of the present and our fears. Tickets and details here.

Atelier P’tits Chefs by Swiss Food Academy
5, 17, 19 April

Swiss Food Academy is well known for its great kids workshop that revolve around food and cooking. In April all workshops are about chocolate – what else? You can choose between dates, each workshop will take place in a different location: Charmille, Plainpalais, Eaux-Vives. More info here.

April 1 – May 14, Morges

If you’re looking for a nice family walk location, look no farther. The beautiful tulip festival is back! During school holidays some activities and workshop will take place as part of this festival: floral workshops, digital egg hunt, circus show, sophrology workshop, and more! You can combine the visit with a boat ride from Geneva, or a visit to the castle in Morges. It’s a gorgeous town – absolutely worth the trip. More info here.

April 1-23, Plainpalais

If you’re looking for a thrill this is where you can go. Luna Park has installations for small and big childre, and also for adults! There is everything you would expect of a Luna Park! It is open daily from 14h. You can see more info here.

As always, there is a lot happening in Geneva during Spring break. It is impossible to place everything in one article. You can find even more events in the calendar by Parentville – simply choose dates that interest you.


March 2023 – fun in geneva with kids

March 2023 – fun in geneva with kids

The February springtime is over. It looks like skiing is mostly over too. Let’s welcome the cold and unpredictable March with a warm hello. Why? Finally, a month without school holidays! And a month of some exciting events in Geneva!

Ready? Let’s do it!


It’s been 30 years since the first Titeuf comic book was published! If your kids speak French and live in Geneva, they probably know Titeuf already, but if not – it’s the time! The author of this world-renowned comic book series, Zep, is native to Carouge and involved in campaigns that educate kids on road safety or in those tackling sexual harassment.

On the occasion of this big anniversary, Carouge organises weeks of Titeuf fun that Parentville will surely report closely on Instagram.

Here’s what’s going t


This festival dedicated to kids aged 0-6 happens in several municipalities: three of them are in Canton Geneva, while others are in neighboring France. The program is rich, and filled with theatre shows, movies, exhibitions, playtime, workshops, and fun! Some activities require reservations, and some don’t. Some of the events are free of charge, others require a paid ticket. Choose the activities your kids will love the most by consulting the program here.

EXP’EAU 23 – exhibition
Pavillon Sicli, 25 & 26 March

Lake Geneva, the Rhône, the Arve, the Drize, the Aire, the Versoix… Do you know Geneva’s rivers? What do they give us? What challenges do they face? During a weekend of events, dive into the heart of Geneva’s aquatic heritage, learn about the right things to do to protect the most precious of our resources. What can you expect? Immerssive animations, workshops, conferences, and an exhibition. But also a surprise evening (19h-21h30) « Silence, ça s’écoule ! ». More detailed program will be available from March 10. You can check the details here.

Palexpo, March 22-26

The annual books expo will happen this year in Palexpo and will have many accompanying events in the city. Entry to Palexpo events will be free of charge. There is a very cool program for schools this year, so keep your fingers crossed that your child will go there with their class. You can also go as a family, of course. It’s always so refreshing to be surrounded by books and authors. Having said that, check the program carefully not to miss any interesting things!

More info here.


There are many plays on stages of many theatres across Geneva with a wide choice for all ages and tastes. You can find them all in Parentville’s calendar under the « theatre » category. Check it out here.

Versoix, March 25 – April 2

What happens when four stars leave the bright lights of Broadway and take leading roles in a small-town controversy making national headlines? Big drama. Bigger laughs. And the biggest musical showstopper in years!

More info: here.

There’s way more going on but listing it all here would make this article unbearably long. You will see all choices, and be able to filter them by age/interests/types etc right after hitting the button below!

February holidays 2023 in geneva

February holidays 2023 in geneva

Staying in Geneva over the February holidays and wondering what to do? Parentville to the rescue! Traditional winter activities (sledging, skiing, and snowman building) are looking less and less possible as snow is melting fast. But! There’s so much more to do.

Ready? Let’s do it!


Geneva City has gathered in one article all the fun things happening in the city during the school holidays. There are super cool workshops in libraries, museums, and much much more! You’ll find fun events for kids of all ages and with various interests. Check it out here.


On February 25 and 26, 2023, a toboggan and ski run will be on the Butte de Plan-les-Ouates. Accessible to everyone from the age of 5, this activity requiring no particular skills promises a lot of fun and adrenaline. The track and its jump which will propel you on a giant airbag is accessible with inflatable buoys provided on site but also with skis for the more adventurous. Detailed information and inscriptions here.


The best place there is in this canton for kids under 8 years old. A big house with every room devoted to some kind of creative activity – everything can be touched, manipulated, and played with. It’s open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You need to reserve a ticket before going on this website. Check it out here.


It’s a great time to visit local zoos or venture outside of the canton to wonderful places that provide contact winth animals. There are many in Geneva canton, in the neighboring France, and in the neighboring canton Vaud. You will find all of them in this article.


Are you looking for some places with warm temperatures to remember how summer feels like? Or even how tropics feel like? Well, Parentville has got you covered. Check this article for some hot suggestions.


Don’t forget to check Parentville’s events calendar for ongoing workshops, exhibitions, concerts, shows, and festivals. For all ages, for all budgets. Check it out yourself here.

January 2023 for families in geneva

January 2023 for families in geneva

The new year is here! It starts with weather that goes from spring to winter and autumn in between. This means it is problematic to plan the usual winter fun, like sledging. But hey! Parentville’s got you covered.

In this article, I gathered the best events happening in January 2023 for families in Geneva. For all ages, all wallets, all tastes and for every weather!

Ready? Let’s do it!

ANIMALI, ages 1-4, free

Funny show at La Julienne! Every year Plan-les-Ouates prepares an interactive exhibition for the little ones. This year, the space is designed not only to entertain the kids, but also to honor the italian designer Enzo Mari and his puzzle « 16 animali ». The space is made of several beautiful stations, where kids can play with these wooden animals and create scenes. There is also a soft reading corner. It’s a truly beautiful, fascinating space where kids can come to play, explore, discover and relax. Two workshops will accompany this event – to attend, you are asked to enroll (details here).

Entry: free.
Website: here.
Address: Route de Saint-Julien 116
Dates: January 11 – February 12
Opening hours:
Tue, Thu, Fri: 14h – 18h
Wednesday: 9h – 12h; 14h – 18h
Weekend : 10h – 16h

GENEVA LUX, all ages, free, outdoors

Every winter, once Christmas decorations bore our eyes, Geneva starts to shine! Geneva Lux is an open-air exhibition of light sculptures and installations spread around the lake. Some of the works come back every year, others visit the city one time only. Different routes are possible to observe the art pieces, two of them are especially planned for families. There’s a separate article about it on Parentville, you can read it here.

Dates: January 27 – February 5
Location: Geneva city center, all outside
Entry: free
Website: Geneva Lux.

Les Allumées, all ages, free

Quartier Libre by SIG brought us a new great, interactive, playful exhibition. Les Allumées is an exhibition about the energy of nature. It is beautiful and thought provoking and especially pleasing to kids. It’s a feast for eyes and imagination! Almost every piece is interactive, letting the visitors enter inside the art. Trust me, kids will love it!
Entry: free
Location: Quartier Libre at Pont de la Machine
Website: here it is.
Dates: till april 30, 2023
Opening hours: every day, 11h – 17h

« La montagne, laboratoire des savants », all ages, free

This temporary exhibition by the Museum of the History of Science is looking into what attracts people to the mountains. What attracts a scientist to the particular universe of the mountain? Why attempt to climb the highest peaks when you are a scientist? What measurements and experiments to do there? The exhibition explores the link, woven since the 18th century particularly from Geneva, between the mountain and the human, to better apprehend and understand the mechanisms that govern our world. A big plus: the museum is located in the beautiful park Perle du Lac, by the lake, walking distance from the Jardin Botanique – all together can make a great day! Also: it’s open on Mondays!

Parentville’s note: officialy marked as for all ages, I personally think it’s best for ages 8+.

Entry: free
Location: 128 rue de Lausanne
Website: here
Dates: till April 23, 2023
Opening hours: from Wednesday to Monday, 10h – 17h.

DISNEY ON ICE, paid entry

Watching Disney movies is fun but attending the Disney on Ice show is another level of excitement! Coco will be there with her kingdom of colorful spirits, the sea will be explored with Moana. Kids will watch Belle in the sky as the enchanted chandelier comes to life, and sing along with Elsa from Frozen! The show’s description also mentions Aladdin, Toy Story and the Little Mermaid.

Dates: January 20-22
Location: Geneva Arena
Website: here you go.

VIVA FRIDA KAHLO; Lausanne, paid entry

This is an amazing, breathtaking, immersive take on Frida Kahlo’s work. It is presented currently in the Beaulieu in Lausanne. The exhibition invites visitors on a journey through Frida’s creations. A first-person narration by a voice incarnating Frida Kahlo guides visitors through the rich iconography and associated themes. A musical score specially created for this project accompanies the visit. Thanks to high-definition video, the Beaulieu exhibition space will be illuminated with images allowing for total immersion in this spectacular device.
Isn’t it a great reason to visit Lausanne?

Dates: till March 19
Location: Avenue des Bergières 10, Lausanne
Website: just click here.


The film festival Black Movie comes back again in January! And so is its version for kids: Le Petit Black Movie. It will present many movies for different age groups and in many locations in the canton. Some screenings will be available to watch online on specific dates. You can find all information and book your tickets here.

Dates: January 20 -29.
Location: many locations.
Website: here of course.


This month at Amstramgram is time for kids ages 8+ and a musical « Biais Aller-Retour ».
For younger children (ages 4+) the Theatre des Marionnettes presents « Le Petit Bout Manquant ».
But it also great time to book your tickets for Simply Theater’s special show: « Peter Pan », it will be presented in Casino Theatre in February with some crazy special effects!

There are many more events and workshops coming up, because Geneva is never boring! You can find all that I can find in Parentville’s special events calendar:

Geneva Lux

Geneva Lux

Geneva lights up not only for Christmas. No, no, no. The end of January marks the start of the Geneva Lux Festival. It will last till 05.02.2023. Illuminated pieces of art in the streets of Geneva are a perfect reason to dress warmly and make good use of the early nightfall. And please do! It is a beautiful visual feast!

Geneva LUX makes the city colorful, artful, and joyful in the coldest weeks of the year!

Autonomous, kinetic, participatory

There are many novelties to see this year. Some will only light up if public is present close by. Some are interactive in a surprising way, others consist of light and movement, many have sound effets too. Normally, every year I say which are my top picks to see this year. But when it comes to Geneva Lux 2023 it is impossible without seeing everything first. The presentation of this year’s works is fascinating! 


There are 2 family trails already programmed on the map! So how about an evening out with a hot cup of something chocolate (for example from Pages&Sips or Ladurrée)?

Both family trails are doable with a pram and not too long for older kids. They also lead to the artworks that children will enjoy the most.

How to plan the adventure?

The official website has an interactive map, where all the artworks are pinpointed and described. It also lets you choose from several trails, two of them were especially though for Families (fingers crossed that next year we will also see a wheelchair-friendly trail).


Location: the streets of the City of Geneva
Dates: 27.01.2023 – 05.02.2023
Website: Geneva Lux 2023